Mobile Printer
Version A
Table of Contents
Operation modes.................................................................................................................................5
Using P-touch Library..............................................................................................................................19
How to install/uninstall P-touch Editor
P-touch Editor allows you to create templates with various kinds of designs.
Refer to the P-touch Editor help file for template design samples and details on creating, printing, and saving
your templates.
To download the latest driver and software, please visit the Brother Solutions Center website:
Installing P-touch Editor Software
a Insert the CD-ROM into your computer’s CD-ROM drive.
b Click [PC (Windows) software], and then click [P-touch Editor 5.0].
c Follow the on-screen instructions to install the software.
d Click [Finish] to close the installation screen.
Certain functions cannot be used if the printer driver is not installed.
For details about installing the printer driver, refer to the Quick Setup Guide.
How to install/uninstall P-touch Editor Software
Uninstalling P-touch Editor Software
a For Windows XP:
From [Control Panel], go to [Add or Remove Programs].
The [Add or Remove Programs] dialog box appears.
For Windows Vista / Windows 7:
From [Control Panel], go to [Programs] and open [Programs and Features].
The [Uninstall or change a program] dialog box appears.
b Choose [Brother P-touch Editor 5.0], and click [Remove] (XP) / [Uninstall]
(Windows Vista / Windows 7).
c Click [OK].
The uninstall operation starts. After the software is removed from your computer, the
[Maintenance Complete] dialog box appears.
d Close the [Add or Remove Programs] (XP) / [Programs and Features]
(Windows Vista / Windows 7) dialog box.
P-touch Editor / P-touch Update Software has been uninstalled.
How to use P-touch Editor
The following explanations and procedures depict Windows Vista , and may vary depending on your
computer’s operating system. In the screen shots, “XX-XXXX” is displayed to represent the printer model
Using P-touch Editor
Starting P-touch Editor
a Click the start menu -[All Programs]-[Brother P-touch]-[P-touch Editor 5.0].
When P-touch Editor starts, the [New/Open] dialog box is displayed. This dialog box allows you to select
whether you want to create a new template or open an existing template.
• You can also start P-touch Editor using shortcuts, if you selected to create shortcuts during installation.
• Shortcut icon on the desktop: double-click to start P-touch Editor
• Shortcut icon in the Quick Launch bar: click to start P-touch Editor
• To change how P-touch Editor functions when it starts, click [Tools]-[Options] in the P-touch Editor menu
bar to display the [Options] dialog box. In the [General] tab, select the desired setting in the [Operations]
list box under the [Startup Settings]. Normally, select [Display New/Open Dialog Box].
How to use P-touch Editor
b Select an option in the [New/Open] dialog box and click [OK].
The printer and media size can be selected in this dialog box.
Click [Open File] to open the [Open] dialog box, where you can select and open a previously saved
Click [View History] to open the [History] dialog box, where you can select and open recently saved
Click [New] to select the desired orientation (vertical or horizontal) and create a new template.
Click [Help - How To] to view the P-touch Editor help file.
The help file shows you step-by-step how to create a template.
Click [Check for Updates] to look for a newer version of P-touch Editor online. If a newer version is
available, the computer’s web browser will open the Brother Solutions Center website, where you can
download the latest version.
How to use P-touch Editor
Operation modes
P-touch Editor has three different operation modes: [Express] mode, [Professional] mode, and [Snap]
mode. You can easily switch between modes by using mode selection buttons.
[Express] mode
This mode allows you to quickly and easily create templates that include text and images.
The [Express] mode screen is explained below.
1 Menu bar
Provides access to all available commands, which are grouped under each menu title ([File], [Edit],
[View], and [Insert], etc.) according to their functions.
2 Command bar
Provides access to frequently used commands, such as [New/Open], [Paper], [Text], [Frame],
[Image], etc.
3 Draw/Edit toolbar
Provides tools for selecting objects, entering text, drawing graphics, etc.
4 Property bar
Allows you to edit the properties of text, graphics, etc.
5 Template window
Provides the area where you create and edit your templates.
6 Database window
Displays the content of a database or label list that can be used to add content to your templates.
7 Mode selection buttons
Allows you to switch to another operation mode.
• You can show and hide different toolbars and windows using the commands in the [View] menu.
• For details about using [Express] mode, refer to the P-touch Editor help file.
How to use P-touch Editor
[Professional] mode
This mode allows you to create templates using a wide-range of advanced tools and options.
The [Professional] mode screen is explained below.
1 Menu bar
Provides access to all available commands, which are grouped under each menu title ([File], [Edit],
[View], and [Insert], etc.) according to their functions.
2 Standard toolbar
Provides access to frequently used commands, such as New Layout, Open, Save, Print, etc.
3 Property palette
Provides access to the Print, Paper, Text, and Layout palettes. Click on the left side of each palette to
show/hide the available properties.
4 Draw/Edit toolbar
Provides tools for selecting objects, entering text, drawing graphics, etc.
5 Template window
Provides the area where you create and edit your templates.
6 Database window
Displays the content of a database or label list that can be used to add content to your templates.
7 Mode selection buttons
Allows you to switch to another operation mode.
8 Side bar
Provides access to different tabs that allow you to insert and format text, bar codes, tables, etc., change
the order of the objects to create a template, or set advanced settings.
• You can show and hide different toolbars and windows using the commands in the [View] menu.
• For details about using [Professional] mode, refer to the P-touch Editor help file.
How to use P-touch Editor
[Snap] mode
This mode allows you to capture all or a portion of your computer screen content, print it as an image, and
save it for future use.
a Click the [Snap] mode selection button. The [Description of Snap mode] dialog box is displayed.
b Click [OK]. The [Snap] mode palette is displayed.
• If you select the [Do Not Display This Dialog Again] check box in the [Description of Snap mode]
dialog box, you switch to [Snap] mode next time without displaying the dialog box.
• You can also start P-touch Editor in [Snap] mode by clicking the start menu -[All Programs]-
[Brother P-touch]-[P-touch Editor 5.0 (Snap mode)].
• For details about using [Snap] mode, refer to the P-touch Editor help file.
How to use P-touch Editor
Using P-touch Editor Help
Viewing the P-touch Editor help file
This section explains how to use the P-touch Editor help file.
Starting from the start menu
Click the start menu -[All Programs]-[Brother P-touch]-[P-touch Editor 5.0 Help].
Starting from the [New/Open] dialog box
When you start P-touch Editor and the [New/Open] dialog box is displayed, click [Help - How To].
How to use P-touch Editor
Starting from P-touch Editor
In [Express] mode or [Professional] mode:
Click the [Help] menu and select [P-touch Editor Help].
[Express] mode
[Professional] mode
In [Snap] mode:
Place the mouse pointer within the [Snap] mode palette so that the four-way arrow pointer (the “move”
pointer) is displayed, right click and then [P-touch Editor Help].
[Snap] mode
You can also press the [F1] key to open the P-touch Editor help file.
How to use P-touch Editor
Printing the P-touch Editor help file
You can print P-touch Editor help file content for later reference.
a In the [Contents] tab, select the content that you want to print.
b Click [Print] on the Toolbar.
c Choose the range of topics to be printed, and click [OK].
d Specify the [Printer] and click [Print].
How to use P-touch Transfer Manager &
P-touch Library
P-touch Transfer Manager
This program allows you to transfer templates and other data to the printer and save backups of your data on
the computer.
After P-touch Transfer Manager is used to transfer data to the printer, P-touch Template is used to send text
data to the printer that will be inserted into the template and printed. For details on P-touch Template,
download the P-touch Template manual (English only) from the Brother Solutions Center website:
[Select your region/country]- Choose your product. -[Manuals]
P-touch Library
This program allows you to use your computer to manage P-touch templates and other data.
You can use P-touch Library to print templates.
Using P-touch Transfer Manager
Starting P-touch Transfer Manager
Click the start menu -[All Programs]-[Brother P-touch]-[P-touch Tools]-[P-touch Transfer Manager 2.1].
When P-touch Transfer Manager starts, the main window is displayed.
You can also start P-touch Transfer Manager from P-touch Editor.
Click [File]-[Transfer Template].
How to use P-touch Transfer Manager & P-touch Library
Main window
1 Menu bar
Provides access to various commands, which are grouped under each menu title ([File], [Edit], [View],
[Tool], and [Help]) according to their functions.
2 Toolbar
Provides access to frequently used commands.
3 Printer selector
Allows you to select which printer the data will be transferred to. When you select a printer, only the data
that can be sent to the selected printer are displayed in the data list.
4 Folder list
Displays a list of folders and printers. When you select a folder, the templates in the selected folder are
displayed in the template list.
If you select a printer, the current templates and other data stored in the printer are displayed.
5 Template list
Displays a list of templates in the selected folder.
6 Preview
How to use P-touch Transfer Manager & P-touch Library
Explanations of the Toolbar Icons
Button name
Transfers templates and other data from the computer to the printer
(available for USB connection only).
Retrieves the templates and other data saved in the printer and
saves it on the computer (available for USB connection only).
Opens the selected template.
Allows you to search for templates or other data that are registered
to P-touch Library.
Display Style
Changes the file display style.
Transferring templates or other data from the computer to the printer
Use the following procedure to transfer templates from the computer to the printer.
This feature is only available when the computer and printer are connected via USB.
a Connect the computer and the printer via USB and turn on the printer.
The printer model name is displayed in the folder view.
If you select a printer in the folder view, the current templates and other data stored in the printer are
b Select the printer that you want to transfer the template or other data to.
How to use P-touch Transfer Manager & P-touch Library
c Right-click the [Configurations] folder, select [New], and then create a new folder.
In the example above, the folder [Transfer] was created.
d Drag the template or other data that you want to transfer and place it in the new folder.
You can browse for templates or other data by selecting [All contents] or by selecting one of the
categories under [Filter], such as [Layouts].
How to use P-touch Transfer Manager & P-touch Library
e To change the key number assigned to an item, right-click the item, select [Key Assign], and then select
the desired key number.
• All data transferred to the printer is assigned a key number.
• If the template or other data transferred to the printer has the same key number as another template
already saved in the printer, the new template will overwrite the old one. You can confirm the templates
key number assignments saved in the printer by backing up the templates or other data (see Backing up
• If the printer memory is full, remove one or more templates from the printer nonvolatile memory. (see
f To change the names of templates or other data that will be transferred, click on the desired item and
enter the new name. The number of characters used for the template names may be limited depending
on the printer model.
How to use P-touch Transfer Manager & P-touch Library
g Select the folder containing the templates or other data that you want to transfer, and then click
How to use P-touch Transfer Manager & P-touch Library
Backing up templates or other data saved in the printer
Use the following procedure to retrieve the templates or other data saved in the printer and save it on the
This feature is only available when the computer and printer are connected via USB.
Backed up templates or other data cannot be edited on the computer.
Depending on the printer model, templates or other data backed up from one printer model may not be able
to be transferred to another printer model.
a Connect the computer and the printer via USB and turn on the printer.
The printer model name is displayed in the folder view.
If you select a printer in the folder view, the current templates and other data stored in the printer are
b Select the printer to back up from, and then click [Backup].
A confirmation message is displayed.
c Click [OK].
A new folder is created under the printer in the folder view. The folder name is based on the date and
time of the backup. All of the printer's templates and other data are transferred to the new folder and
saved on the computer.
How to use P-touch Transfer Manager & P-touch Library
Deleting all data saved in the printer
Use the following procedure to delete all templates or other data that are saved in the printer.
This feature is only available when the computer and printer are connected via USB.
a Connect the computer and the printer via USB and turn on the printer.
The printer model name is displayed in the folder view.
b Right-click the printer, and then select [All Delete].
A confirmation message is displayed.
c Click [OK].
All templates and other data saved in the printer are deleted.
How to use P-touch Transfer Manager & P-touch Library
Using P-touch Library
Starting P-touch Library
Click the start menu -[All Programs]-[Brother P-touch]-[P-touch Tools]-[P-touch Library 2.1].
When P-touch Library starts, the main window is displayed.
Main window
1 Menu bar
Provides access to all available commands, which are grouped under each menu title ([File], [Edit],
[View], [Tool], and [Help]) according to their functions.
2 Toolbar
Provides access to frequently used commands.
3 Folder list
Displays a list of folders. When you select a folder, the templates or other data in the selected folder is
displayed in the templates list.
4 Templates list
Displays a list of the templates or other data in the selected folder.
5 Preview
Displays a preview of the templates or other data selected in the templates list.
How to use P-touch Transfer Manager & P-touch Library
Explanations of the Toolbar Icons
Button name
Opens the selected template.
Prints the selected template.
Allows you to search for templates or other data that are registered
to P-touch Library.
Display Style
Changes the file display style.
Opening and editing templates
Select the template you want to open or edit, and then click [Open].
The program that is associated with the template will be started and you can edit the template.
The program that starts depends on the type of file that is selected. For example, if you select a P-touch
template, P-touch Editor starts.
How to use P-touch Transfer Manager & P-touch Library
Printing templates
Select the template that you want to print and then click [Print].
The template is printed using the connected printer.
Searching for templates or other data
You can search for templates or other data registered to P-touch Library.
a Click [Search].
The [Search] dialog box is displayed.
How to use P-touch Transfer Manager & P-touch Library
b Specify the search criteria.
The following search criteria are available.
Multiple Parameters
Determines how the program searches when multiple criteria are specified. If you select
[AND], the program searches for files that satisfy all of the criteria.
If you select [OR], the program searches for files that satisfy any of the criteria.
Allows you to search for a template or other data by specifying the file name.
Allows you to search for a template or other data by specifying the file type.
Allows you to search for a template or other data by specifying the file size.
Allows you to search for a template or other data by specifying the file date.
c Click [Begin Search].
The search begins.
d Close the [Search] dialog box.
The search results can be confirmed by clicking [Search Results] in the folder view.
You can register templates or other data to P-touch Library by dragging and dropping the files to the
[All contents] folder or to the folder list. You can also configure P-touch Editor to register templates to
P-touch Library automatically, using the following procedure.
1 From the P-touch Editor menu, select [Tools]-[Options].
2 In the [Options] dialog box, click [Registration Settings] in the [General] tab.
3 Select the timing for registering templates created with P-touch Editor, and then click [OK].
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